Book Review: The House Guest

The House Guest

Book : The House Guest

Author : Mark Edwards

Publisher : Amazon Publishing

Adam, the protagonist has been offered to house sit for a couple Jack and Mona. He and his girlfriend Ruth are more than happy to do it. They are young, new in New York with good chances of success at work. But one fine day, in the summer, Jack meets a charming stranger at the door of the house. Why he lets her in ? What happens next ?

This book is an easy read for everyone. The plot of the story opens out beautifully in the part 1. But not simple as it seems. The part 1 itself kept me awake for a long time. All the little incidents directed a storm building up. And the part 2 is where it all whirlwinds. The readers would keep brooding over what would happen next And that is the best part of the book. You keep thinking, mirroring your thoughts with the protagonist but ultimately something different happens.

Overall a good surprising plot with nail-biting twists. An unputdownable book totally.
Do read it.

My rating 4⭐/5

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